Collins Fitness Feature Institute of Personal Trainers The Best Online Personal Trainers Top 10

Online one to one training is more relevant now than ever before. Recently featured as one of the best personal trainers online is a great achievement that highlights the reasons the methods I use is unique and World beating.

Check out this curated rundown of ten of the best online personal trainers and how they became so popular. We'll talk about which each of them are doing right so that you might follow suit and improve upon your own fitness business.

Not all clients want huge muscles and ripped abs. Some want to improve their posture. Here’s where Adrian Collins excels. His combination of Pilates and stretching movements help clients restore healthy balance and symmetry in their bodies, correcting any existing issues from spending long days sitting at desks.

What Adrian is Doing Right
The main offering on the site, The Social Butterfly Program is both face to face and online. Instead of making online training seem like a separate service, it's integrated nicely into the service.

Adrian Collins’ approach is essential in today’s culture of office work and sedentary lifestyles. People know that they need to work on their posture, but don’t know how. They’re keen, therefore, for online personal trainers who can show them what to do and restore balance to their physiques.

My technique is adapted from structured verbal queuing which teachers mind and movement. You will learn how to move with feeling the correct technique and improve your posture within weeks as well as the knock on benefits to this. To find out more & start training with me online contact me